I am looking forward to Eclipse Summit Europe 2009 in Ludwigsburg, Germany.
My colleagues from itemis and me, we're once again going to have our share:
Sebastian Zarnekow, Karsten Thoms, Markus Voelter and me are going to give a tutorial on Domain-specific Languages with Eclipse Modeling, in which we show how to set up your own easy-to-use MDSD toolchain.
In the short talk Combining Graphics and Text in Modeling Tools, Jos Warmer and me will be elaborating on mixing concrete syntaxes for the same model using state-of-the-art modeling tool frameworks such as Xtext and GMF.
In the talk Xtext - From Galileo to Helios, Sven Efftinge and Sebastian Zarnekow are presenting the future plans for Xtext.
Finally, Andreas Graf and Markus Voelter are going to talk on Leighweight Model-Driven Development for Embedded Systems.
So, maybe there's something in for you, too?
Not to forget Nirmal Sasidharan's talk on OSEE (http://www.eclipsecon.org/summiteurope2009/sessions?id=941) !
Ooops, that seems to have one slipped my search. Sorry for that. Nirmal will definitively give an intriguing talk as well!
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